WORDS AND PICTURES: Rebellion, Conflict and Our Courageous Culture by Grey Williamson
/Shout out to Ashley Woods, Jason Reeves, and Marcus Williams who, amongst others, get great exposure in this video. You all have properties of your own and have manifested books from them that are at the least, professional quality and more objectively, reflect the kind of inspiration and approach needed to carve your way into a truly adversarial industry.
I remember when The Black Panther debuted in Marvel Comics. Being a precocious (and admittedly annoying) child at that time, I was becoming way too aware of the racial rebellion that was occurring around me. Too young to understand the complicated subtleties of our conflict with an oppressive society at war with our humanity, all I understood was danger... and survival. The heart of Brooklyn had become a place to gain intimate knowledge of confrontation and non-sensical, almost unrealistic violence.
This made comic books, particularly Marvel, and some of the Charlton books so attractive, because of the slightly more mature approach to addressing that kind of conflict. This was particularly reflected in Kirby's approach when creating The Black Panther. It was timely, courageous, and did something unexpected for the genre at that time... It spoke to what had become the entire audience, made up of many people that looked like... me... and addressed the concerns of my culture.
Since then the industry has taken many turns... directly reflecting the culture of the environment around it. Kirby's not around any more, and the company he helped to build, like the country it "lives" in, has become a bastion of racism and hateful discrimination... reverting back to the same climate that existed in 1966.
Like then, we are being hunted, abused, "corralled" by several organizations and forces manipulated by a White Supremacist coalition that has infiltrated almost every aspect of how this country is run.
The evidence is irrefutable.
The 60's were an interesting time for "Black" people for... while the speech was "Black Power" and "Black is Beautiful"... there was much conflict within our own families. Martin Luther King wasn't as accepted as people think that he was, and history doesn't accurately reflect the vitriol directed at Malcolm X by his own people.
In fact, the "Black" moniker was created, partially as a rebellion against "The Negro" and what it was believed by many that he stood for... frightened assimilation and submission.
Many "Negro" communities, in a desperate attempt to hold on to what they thought they had by staying "in line", vilified movements like The Black Panther Party and the SLA... becoming the worst enemies to the advancement of "Colored" peoples.. while they looked out for "theirs" at all cost.
Those communities birthed individuals who believe that their only chance at a decent life is to be instrumental in controlling the Black narrative, keeping it in a place where it never strays outside of "Massa's" comfort zone... the only place where they feel safe.
Comic books now, like then, has the potential to be one of the important voices of that narrative, within this challenged culture. Those individuals, the modern day "coons", insidiously plant themselves within this "movement", desperately and diligently networking to shape what is becoming a new age of Independent comics, into one that they can still have prominence in.
They and their cohorts, instead of developing and evolving their crafts to compete in the New World, court and prey upon newcomers... new industry talent... forming relationships based on derision and manipulation , instead of just good quality work, solid work ethic and an approach to creation that has a sustainable value... that makes a statement about our real humanity.
In this environment some are promoted, some are hidden... and any dissenting viewpoints are attacked... and the players ridiculed and vilified... like our incendiary leaders were in the 60's, when "The Black Panther" was created.
Now the audience is at fault for not voraciously ingesting guilt-filled, mediocrity... and many quality products and productions get hidden for fear of how they may upset the apple cart... that the coons still drag for their masters.
I know this because I live it. I was there then and I am here now... and as one of those hidden creators, I say express yourself.
I ain't leaving'... I'm still in the trenches... still creatin'... and I'll listen.
If, as a fan, you are upset by having a Black Panther film dangled like a carrot in front of you by racists for two decades while you inexplicably kept the faith... get yours... you earned it.
If you are angry at having to join and invest in "a cause' again just to entertain yourself in your stressful life... speak your mind.
If all you want to do is be a worker for companies that sh*t on you for decades...
have at it.
But know that all your bullying and grouped attacks... and complaining about complaining doesn't change one thing...
The fans make the industry. They pay their money, they earn the right to review the product. You can fool them part of the time, but in the end they need quality, and respect.
They need real.
All the bulls*t, the shucking' and jivin', the pandering and free promotion...
All the attacks on each other to earn Massa's favor...
Does not guarantee your place in the industry.
50 years later, there's a lot of work to be done.
Back to the grind.
~ grey
“Is supporting selling out? Does it always have to be filled with such conflict? Can a fan just have fun?”
I have no problem with the fans that just wanna enjoy themselves without having to think too hard about it.
That sh*t'll give you a headache.
My issue is with these so-called "professional" Negroes who feel like it is their responsibility to put other Negroes "in check". It is because this behavior does not occur in a vacuum. These are the same fools that conspire to undermine Black individuals who simply want to build "independently"... want to self-realize.
They are so afraid that in the comparison, they may become less attractive... particularly as they have subjugated their creation to merely imitations of others.
If you have fallen into this pattern of behavior because of your associations and peer pressure, it may be time for you to take a moment, grab a hold of yourself, and pull yourself out of that cesspool while you still can.
Authentic, "original" always has some extra value because of how it's born, regardless of how it's shaped and polished.
It is a direct threat to those that produce properties stolen in pieces, cut and pasted together... and sold to the readership as new... and original.
The comparison is bad place for posers.
Real bad.
But how do the fans see the difference if the "real" stuff is blocked from their view... or the environment is shaped in a way to place it into an invalidating position?
This is the undermining task of the "pro" Negro.
This is why they are so aggressive on social networks.
This is why they gang up on dissenting opinions so quickly.
And this is why, today we still have no real "agency" in this industry... and they are forced to perpetually shimmy up to those that they give power over them.
So many of them are actually hoping that I, personally, die off before their bullsh*t gets completely exposed.
We'll see...
I'm just sayin'... bring on the criticism. Real artists know that it means you are engaged in the work. The harsher it is, the more you cared.
Although my book has been surprisingly successful so far, with little to no promotion, I look forward to the inevitable fighting that occurs because of different viewpoints on risky, edgy, at times jarring content...
If I can get the readers to care enough.
We'll see...
And we will see because, in spite of their best efforts, the coons can't stop the communication... and the people will be heard.
And when the sh*t starts flying, let them answer to, and for... and shield their masters.
Good luck with that.
~ Grey