EVENT: The Slovenly Gamer: Grey Williamson Talks Comics & Controlling Your Own Narratives
Episode 31: From Brooklyn, New York, artist, speaker, sculptor, world traveler, comics industry veteran and creator of Val-Mar: Gifted and Cursed, Grey Williamson drops in to have a chat with Slovenly Gamer.
Grey shares memories of growing up in Brooklyn, his first job in the comic book industry, his creative process and his influences. When the conversation shifts to the topic of diversity, Grey drops some seriously thought-provoking gems.
About The Slovenly Gamer: A podcast created to highlight and discuss all things gaming and nerdy hosted by part Man/kaiju/Droid/Jedi/mis-understood Super Villain, Milton Benn.
Created by Grey Williamson
Find Val-Mar: Gifted and Cursed on Facebook: