STATEMENTS: Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr Presents: Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change Toy Show :: November 2017 :: NYC :: Lottie Dolls

We made our first Lottie following 18 months of research.
We spoke to child psychologists, nutrition experts, parents and – most importantly – to kids.
Lottie’s body is based on a 9-year-old kid.
The bodies of many dolls are based on 18-to-35-year-old women.
And the message we’re sending out?
Let kids be kids.
Because childhood is precious.
And it’s short.
There are strong links between imaginative play and cognitive ability.
When we’re designing our toys, we try not to be overly-prescriptive about the rules of play.
We want our toys to spark imaginations, to inspire hours of make-believe, to let children themselves set the rules.
A seam of playfulness and fun runs through everything we do.
When we made Lottie’s first building, we created a tree-house with a swing and a slide and a secret trap-door.
We didn’t want to build a mini house with an inference of domesticity, an implication of household chores.
We believe that childhood should be an inclusive place where every child belongs regardless of gender, ethnicity, ability or interests.
And we hope that our toys reflect that belief.
Six of our dolls – and counting - have been based on ideas sent to us by kids from all over the world.
After celebrating our 5th birthday, we made a bold decision:
That every toy we developed in the future would be based on a kid’s idea.
Could the next idea be yours?
Lottie Dolls
Twitter: @Lottie_dolls
Instagram: @lottie_dolls
Facebook: Lottie Dolls
AIM, DESTROY, TRANSFORM: Play For Change: A group show of toys, games and figures at Medialia Gallery