STATEMENTS: Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr Presents: Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change Toy Show :: November 2017 :: NYC :: Jai Jai Hooray by Rupa Parekh

The Jai Jai Hooray Goddess Power Tower and Hindu Deity Flashcards put a fresh face on the iconic characters of Hindu mythology.

The Goddess Power Tower is a set of stacking blocks that feature the fierce female goddesses of Hinduism. The toy is inspired by Mahadevi who is the Mother Goddess—she is literally the sum of all of the female deities. By nesting the blocks, we bring to life the idea that inside of every woman, every mother are so many personas—nurturer, artist, warrior. 

For children to better connect, the blocks build a poem that celebrates mom. The poem reads:

Lots of Hugs from Her Strong Arms

Mama is My Good Luck Charm

The Sun and Moon of Our Family

Teaching and Singing Joyously

Fierce Like Her Lion Roars

Gentle Like the Bath She Pours

Keeps the Monsters Away at Night

Mama Stays With Me Til’ Light

Loves to Dance, Loves to Play

Jai Jai Hooray!

Jai Jai Hooray is the first collection by Umani—an educational platform focused on more global play for global kids. We believe that cultural learning should be irresistible.

~ Rupa Parekh


Rupa Parekh, Founder and Creator of Jai Jai Hooray (pictured) and Umani Ajinkya Bane, Illustrator

Twitter: @jaijaihooray | @RupaParekh

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AIM, DESTROY, TRANSFORM: Play For Change: A group show of toys, games and figures at Medialia Gallery