/Process this...
When you invest of yourself into constructs that dehumanize you...
When you disregard what a culture has done with your image because you think that you need what they sell as entertainment...
When you feed into a the idea of a different greater level of judgment for us...
Process this...
They raped, hung, castrated and disemboweled us for "entertainment".
They kept pieces of our beloved ancestors as "collectibles".
They, in many cases, elevate each other in society based on how extreme that they were able to violate us and get away with it.
Process this...
There is a subculture that regularly performs ritual acts against us to prove their loyalty to this barbaric "club"... just to become their mascots.
... and align yourself accordingly.
~ Grey
Jury just found the officer who murdered #PhilandoCastile in cold blood not guilty.
Expected. Infuriating.
My blood is boiling. Philando did nothing wrong. Broke no laws. He wasn’t even supposed to be pulled over. It was racial profiling.
He then gets shot repeatedly in front of his fiancé and her daughter in broad daylight.
This is bullshit. Absolute bullshit. I say that with a full vocabulary. This is bullshit.
They wonder why we riot and tear shit up. What the hell do you expect people to do. You asked people to stay calm and wait for justice. They stayed calm and waited for justice - and then got this.
Quote me on this: Fuck this system. If you’ve ever heard me speak anywhere, you’ve heard me say what I’m about to say a million times.
It’s not broken. The justice system is not broken. It is functioning exactly the way it was designed and built to function.
My God I am so angry.”