/ Onjena Yo
As we explore the #multinationalPATRIOT space, we come across great articles discussing this journey to co-exist in at least two different worlds from many talented writers and creators. At first, we thought Native/Indigenous/Aboriginal people were the only people who were not "multinational." But seeing as how many Native people were often invaded by another party, their "multinationalism" was not necessarily voluntary...
Here are a few #NativeAmerican stories we've come across. Please share when you discover more @MultiPATRIOT.
Native American-Themed Articles:
Native American Twitter Directory:
Notah Begay III: @NotahBegay3
Susan M. Bryan: @susanmbryanNM
Bunky Echo-Hawk: @BunkHaus
Deb Haaland: @Deb4CongressNM
Cole House: @Cole_House
Tara Houska: @zhaabowekwe
Mary Hudetz: @marymhudetz
Sean Locklear: @SeanLock75
Karina Lombard: @IKarinaLombard
Jason Momoa: @PrideofGypsies
Zahn Mcclarnon: @zahnmcc
Kevin Nash: @RealKevinNash
Justin Rain: @JustinRain__
Dr. Debbie Reese: @debreese
Delores Schilling: @DelSchilling
Vincent Schilling: @VincentSchilling
Vanassa J. Sebastian: @VanassaJSeb
Chiara Sottile: @CASottile
Jeffrey Veregge: @JeffreyVeregge
Center for Native American Youth (CNAY): @Center4Native
Chickasaw Nation: @ChickasawNation
Honor the Earth: @HonorTheEarth
Hopewell Culture NHP: @HopewellOhioNPS
Indian Country Today: @indiancountry @indianz
Indigenous: @AmericanIndian8
Lava Beds NPS: @LavaBedsNPS
Native American Association: @naamainoffice
Native American Vote: @NatAmericanVote
Native American WiC: @NativeAmerWiC
Native Music Awards: @NAMA_Live
Native News: @nabresource
Native Trailblazers: @NativeTrailBlaz
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI): @NCAI1944
NDN Sports: @ndnsports
Nike N7: @NikeN7
Not Your Mascots: @notyourmascots
One Spirit: @SpiritPineRidge
OU Native American Student Achievement: @NatAmStuAchieve
The Sioux Chef: @the_sioux_chef
Share your #multinationalPATRIOT story with us by participating in our PATRIOT SURVEY SAYS!!! blog series. Click the pic below to learn how to get involved!